Kamis, 22 November 2012


Mallino, meaning openly said something hidden. So, Duta Mallino is an official delegation male’s family to female’s home to deliver very openly what has been previously pioneered at mappesek-pesek, mamanuk-manuk and unofficial Duta Mallino. In this event, the women's families to invite immediate family, especially families who have called deliberation at talks mammanu-manuk and unofficial Duta Mallino, as well as those that are considered to consider the application. At the time of applying, her family gathered at her parent or guardian.
Some parents dressed up or complete. Men's formal clothing, namely coats closed, lipa garusu (cotton gloves made ​​shiny), songko or cap pamiring ulaweng and women dressed in suits bodo, silk gloves, or lipa garusu. Similarly, people who become delegates the man also dressed in traditional formal, like a host.

The food is prepared by the women to follow the meal. When you talk of expected until lunch time, then prepared lunch. However, if the conversation lasted only the morning or afternoon, then prepared traditional pastries prepared in bosara.

In general, the Bugis of South Sulawesi, some areas in the ceremony as above to set up some kind of a light meal consisting of pastries Bugis peoples, such as the following:
1. Sikaporo

2. Bolu Peca
3. Katirisala
4. Bingka

5. Biji Nangka
6. Sanggara
7. Doko-Doko Utti
8. Lame-lame

9. Onde-onde
10. Cucuru Tello
11. Jompo-Jompo
12. Cucuru Te’ne
More cake made it better, according to the proverb that says Bugis "napataromposenggi makkunraiye narekko maccai mabeppa". That is, when women are good at making cakes, a pride for him. Twelve kinds of cookies are set each of the nine pieces of each dish and stored in bosara arranged lengthwise twenty-four or two dozen.
The guests sat cross-legged on mats provided. Usually reserved for the king tappere boddong massusung round square. For the nobility, in the ceremony "Madduta Mallino" everything is governed by custom, including clothes, including seating and pestle kalu, the settings as described below:
1. For the elders in the village such as White (nobility), the head of the village, the village priest and spokesperson of each party dressed in traditional coat closed, lipa toriolo igarusu (glove custom), massongko pamiring ulaweng. This is done in accordance with the agreement of both parties.
2. Approximately five people, among them, a person who acts as a spokesman. Everything is custom dress covered in black suit, lipa garusu and songko pamiring ulaweng.
3. Three or four waniti bodo dress shirt, silk gloves or lipa garutu with simpolong hairdo.
4. A man dressed tapong (for nobility) took alu kalu, namely:
a. one bushel of rice (four liters)
b. manu silebineng (a chicken)
c. Kaluku tuo (coconut growing)
d. Betel leaves one bunch each tie three pieces accompanied by gambier, lime, and betel.
e. two java sugar
All are stored in a basket, which is made from the leaves of a hairy lontara called mabbulu raw-fur. The materials mentioned above implies the following, "Ripakkalipuni alaibinengenna, maumare cenninna golae, nalunrarana kalukue. Means, hopefully both families live peacefully, Courant and procreation.

As the group tomadduta (messenger) came, and then picked up and be seated in a place that has been provided by the pickup that guests come to know it. After a while, began talks between tomadduta with toriaddutai, that the woman who first raised the talking, and the man with the figures of speech such as: "Matti pekkoare ronnag langkanammu ball Areta utanange ri", meaning how mean my arrival beforehand what is acceptable or not .
Often ambassadors or tomadduta dialogue with the woman's family or toriaddutai, as follows:

To madduta: "Duami kuala Sappo, unganna panasae, belona Kanuku." "Only two of us a pedestal, the honesty and pure heart."
"Iyaro interest rositta tepu tabbakka toni, engkaga sappona." "Flower ros was pretty mekarlah, whether there are protected?"

To riaddutai: "thee field liputta ri, ri balanca kampotta, nekiya nawami kusappa." "There's also a girl in our country, still I'm looking for is the sacred heart whice or good manners."

To riaddutai: "Iganaro elo ribungata, temmattakke temmaddaungnge flowers." "Who would want our child who has no knowledge at all."

To madduta: "Taroni temmaddaungnge, temmattakke." "Let not know anything, because the jewelry that will not wilt, I'll make the lamp of my life."
After hearing the woman's good intentions to madduta, with all humility, he said, "Narekko makkonitu addatta, soroni tannganka, nakutannga tokki." That is, if that host embroidery, kembalillah learn and I learned master. Ordinary women are also the figurative words like, "Tuoni matti aretta ronnang mutanennge." That is, humbly we receive your application.

Once the intent is accepted, then the talks will continue on the agreement of both parties called mappetu ceremony there 'or mappasiarekeng.

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